How to find exactly the right manufacturer for your product.
Because the world is full of manufacturers, each with its own set of positives and negatives, the challenge of balancing a multitude of factors in making your decision is daunting. But it can be done if you methodically go through the following:

Have a clear budget
In mind for everything that affects product cost from raw materials to packaging. Also, set the target price you’re aiming for. Neither budget nor price should be set in stone, but you need those starting points.
Focus on the top manufacturing countries
For your specific product. Nations like the U.S., for example, are noted for high-tech products while Indonesia has earned a great reputation for fine-quality Cabretta leather.
Hire a technical expert
This person will have in-depth knowledge of your product and can help you convert your vision into detailed, quantifiable, manufacturable documentation.
Target the quantities
You expect to want. Not every manufacturer is able to help with smaller quantities, so you may need to consider a particular country or a trading company.
Understand your customers’ preferences
Some consumers are adamant about buying products only from specific countries or regions such as Europe or the U.S. Other customers may not care at all. Your task is to determine their tastes as they relate to your product.
Vet all the entities
That you do business with and rely upon, primarily vendors and suppliers. This vetting includes their delivery histories, certificates earned, relevant reviews, professional references and their record of compliance with ethical standards.
Define each technicality
And float the exact specs you want in order to get accurate quotes from would-be vendors and suppliers. In the process make certain that all parties involved sign an NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement).
Order samples and test them
To make sure they meet your standards-and-performance metrics. While product perfection is the goal, it’s realistic to expect a number of revisions along the way. Mainly, you want to see if the manufacturer ultimately has the expertise and capacity to execute your vision.
Vet all your vendors
To ensure they fully comply with recognized, international ethical standards. This especially includes any child-labor or worker-rights abuse. Any vendor that is problematic in one area is likely suspect in other areas as well. Doing the right thing never goes out of style.
Try using Alibaba
Or a directory to identify potential vendors and suppliers. Although the options they’ll give you probably include the right partner(s) for you, you will likely have to wade through a lot of options that aren’t good for you.